Never Stop!


“Walk with us! Walk with us! "

What is the "Never stop!"

Our motto is “Walk with us! Walk with us! ", understood not only in a literal sense but above all as a philosophy of sharing part of one's time. Those who participate in our activities know that the concept of a group is fundamental: we start together and arrive together, each with their own strengths and limitations.

We believe it is our duty to commit ourselves so that each person is enabled to freely decide whether or not to participate in our activity.

Our thoughts went above all to people with disabilities, as no psycho-physical condition should be a reason for giving up getting involved. Barriers must be removed but this is not always possible. In this case we like to try to overcome them, with humility but stubbornly.

Sometimes a little ingenuity, patience and good will is enough to overcome an obstacle, for this reason we have decided to equip ourselves with health aids that allow anyone, even with disabilities, to try to participate in one of our activities.

We called our project “Never Stop!”.

The project has received the patronage of many public and private entities such as: Tuscany Region, Metropolitan City of Florence, Union of Municipalities of the Empolese Valdelsa District, Municipality of Capraia and Limite, Castelfiorentino, Certaldo, Gambassi Terme, Montaione, Montespertoli, San Gimignano, European Association of the Vie Francigene - network of the Council of Europe, Tuscan Association of the Vie Francigene and Paths, Via Romea Germanica Association, European Federation of Historical Cultural Tourist Routes, Association of European Environmental Guides, UISP - Empolese Valdelsa Committee, Ass Without Barriers Onlus.

Il 04 maggio 2024 abbiamo ricevuto il premio “Al servizio degli ultimi” da parte del Lions Club Certaldo. Un riconoscimento per il lavoro fatto, ma soprattutto uno stimolo a fare ancora di più.

At the beginning of 2019 we bought the "Joëlette", our first off-road wheelchair with a single wheel.

The wheelchair was presented to the Tuscan Regional Council on February 28, 2019, in the presence of some local administrators.

In September 2019 we also purchased the “Kit Twin”, an optional that offers the possibility of alternating the single wheel with the double wheel, to make the wheelchair more stable and easier to drive.

In February 2020 we purchased a tandem to give people with disabilities a further chance to approach outdoor sports activities.

In February 2022 we purchased a "Joëlette Kid", an off-road wheelchair dedicated to children under 25 kg, with motor disabilities, for hiking, trekking or running on any type of terrain, even the most rugged ones.

In December 2022 we purchased a trekking cart (“Wheelie V Cargo walking trailer braked”) to allow even people with difficulty carrying a backpack to be able to participate in our activities, especially multi-day walks.

In March 2023 we bought our second classic "Joëlette" with a single wheel, convinced that: "With one we give a signal, with two we give a service".

In July 2023 we bought our third adult wheelchair, the brand new “Joëlette Adventure”.

A ottobre del 2023 alcuni soci hanno formato un gruppo, all’interno della stessa associazione, per realizzare in maniera più efficiente i nostri progetti sulla disabilità. E’ stato scelto come nome “THE Ability”, formato dall’acronimo della nostra associazione, “T.H.E.”, “the”, e dalla parola inglese “Ability”, “Abilità”, per porre in risalto le abilità che ognuno di noi ha e che spesso dimentichiamo di valorizzare, ponendo attenzione alla sola disabilità.

In December 2023 we purchased a semi-automatic defibrillator, resistant to shock, vibration, dust and water infiltration (IP56), to make our activities even safer.

In February 2024, for our members, we organized, in collaboration with the Misericordia of Castelfiorentino, a BLS-D and first aid course in hiking activities.

All this has been possible thanks to the contribution of public and private bodies but above all of individual citizens, many of whom walk with us.


Video realizzato nel 2024 in occasione del progetto di PCTO (ex alternanza scuola lavoro) con l’ISIS Leonardo da Vinci di Firenze


Video of the eexcursion of 30 January 2022 to Badia a Passignano (FI), to raise awareness of the opportunities for people with disabilities to carry out outdoor sports activities and to raise funds for the purchase of a Joëlette Kid


Video realizzato nel 2018 per il crowdfunding non andato a buon fine …. ma non ci siamo mai arresi!


One of our meetings to introduce Joëlette to those who have made themselves available to share this experience (video by Francesco Aglietti)


The "Joëlette" is an off-road wheelchair with a single wheel, or with a double wheel, produced by the French company Ferriol Mattrat, which allows any person with reduced mobility, adult or child, even if totally dependent, to practice excursions in the mountains but also to participate in competitions or sports competitions, with the help of at least two companions. The rear follower ensures the balance of the Joëlette, while the front follower ensures traction and direction. It was conceived to encourage access to nature and sporting activities by all. The only limit of the "Joëlette" are the skills of the companions!

At the beginning of 2019, we bought the first classic "Joëlette" with a single wheel.

In September 2019 we also purchased the “Kit Twin”, an optional that offers the possibility of alternating the single wheel with the double wheel, to make the wheelchair more stable and easier to drive.

In March 2023 we bought our second classic "Joëlette" with a single wheel, convinced that: "With one we give a signal, with two we give a service".

The one-wheeled Joëlette

The double wheel Joëlette

Presentation of the off-road wheelchair in the Regional Council on February 28, 2019

Some photos of our activities with the off-road wheelchair

Joëlette Kid

Thanks to our Joëlette, in recent years we have shared our journey with people with disabilities of all ages.

However, we have found that there is no wheelchair that is universally suitable for everyone.

We have to look for solutions every time, not only based on the disability, but also on the weight and height of the person.

It goes without saying that when it came to children it was not easy and never entirely satisfying.

This prompted us to look for new solutions and finally we found the answer from the Joëlette producers themselves.

The “Joëlette Kid” is an off-road wheelchair dedicated to children under 25 kg, with motor disabilities, for hiking, trekking or running on any type of terrain, even the most rugged ones.

In February 2022, thanks to the contribution of the Lions Club Siena, the Veteran Car Club Lions and the Bikers Lions Club, we purchased the “Joëlette Kid”.

Joëlette Kid

Joëlette Kid in action

Joelette Adventure

The "Joëlette Adventure" is a new generation off-road wheelchair with a single wheel, which allows easier access to any type of terrain, even the most rugged ones, allowing easier access to excursions.

In July 2023, thanks to the contribution of Lions Club Toscana we purchased the "Joëlette Adventure".

Joelette Adventure

“Our” Joëlette Adventure

Wheelie V Cargo walking trailer braked

In December 2022 we decided to self-finance to buy a trekking cart, to allow our partners who have difficulty carrying a backpack, to be able to participate in our activities, especially multi-day walks.

We used the "Wheelie V Cargo walking trailer braked" for the first time, at the end of 2022, on the stretch of the Francigena from Bolsena to Rome, becoming a valid support for the whole group, given the opportunity to "load" it also with backpacks those who have found themselves in difficulty.

By now “Carolina”, as we have renamed her, has become a companion on our journeys.

Wheelie V Cargo walking trailer braked

Wheelie V Cargo walking trailer braked in action


The idea of equipping ourselves with the tandem was born to allow blind people, deaf people or people with slight psycho-physical difficulties to discover our territory by bicycle.

Whenever possible, we like to network with other local realities. This time we have decided to "create" the tandem with an excellence of our territory, "Simoncini Telai", an artisan company that has been creating custom-made bicycle frames since 1949.

We have also tried to involve associations representing people with disabilities to get advice.

In February 2020 we had not yet collected the amount necessary for the purchase, but we still decided to buy it self-financing, in order to offer everyone, in the spring of the same year, the opportunity to have a sporting experience on a bicycle.

We are really happy: the tandem is designed and produced on the territory for the territory!

Our tandem

Il nostro tandem

Our tandem in motion!

Il nostro tandem in movimento!


As an association we are not obliged (the ASD with sports facilities are), but we have always been convinced that the defibrillator is an object that must accompany us in our activities: there are us, no longer very young, but there are also people with disabilities who they have many fragilities that should not be overlooked.

Therefore we decided to purchase a semi-automatic defibrillator, the Samaritan PAD 350P, which is among the smallest, lightest and above all resistant to shock, vibration, dust and water infiltration (IP56), as well as with reduced maintenance costs.

In February 2024, for our members, we organized, in collaboration with the Misericordia of Castelfiorentino, a BLS-D and first aid course in hiking activities.

These are important measures to live our activities more peacefully.

Our defibrillator: HeartSine Samaritan PAD 350P

Our BLS-D and first aid course in hiking activities

The cost of mobility aids for outdoor sports activities is very high for a small company like ours. This is why we have decided to ask for the help of public and private institutions, economic operators and individual citizens to be able to equip ourselves with these tools.

  • purchase of medical mobility aids for outdoor sports activities

For each health aid for mobility for outdoor sports activities, as soon as the amount necessary for the purchase is reached, it will be at THE discretion to decide to continue raising funds to purchase additional aids, necessary to expand accessibility to the activities to as many people as possible.

Naturally, THE will communicate the achievement of the objective and the definition of further objectives through its website, its social channels or other tool it deems appropriate.

Those who contribute will always be made aware of the aid they will finance.

On our website and on our social pages we will highlight who will contribute to the realization of this project.

  • purpose of purchasing medical mobility aids for outdoor sports activities

The intent is to make available for free mobility aids for outdoor sports activities to anyone who wants to participate in one of our activities with the aim of increasing the number of people who will be able to access them.

The aids will be in the exclusive availability of THE, which will also decide who to grant them to, of course free of charge, to carry out activities not directly managed by our association.

  • how to contribute to the purchase of mobility aids for outdoor sports activities

For those who believe in this project and decide to finance it, they can do so by contacting us:; Nicola Dainelli: 328 4136156 and making a transfer to a bank account in the name of:
IBAN: IT 08 N 06230 37790 000046747847
reason: "donation for the" Never stop! "project, to encourage access to sports"

  • deductibility of contributions paid to our association for the purchase of mobility aids for outdoor sports activities

T.H.E. – Toscana Hiking Experience ASD APS è ente non commerciale iscritta nel RUNTS  (Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo Settore), di cui all’art. 45 del D.Lgs. 117/2017 e s.m.i., in data 05/04/2024, rep. n. 132136.

Per le persone fisiche, l’erogazione liberale è detraibile al 30% fino a € 30.000 (art. 83 co. 1 del D.Lgs. n. 117/2017) o, in alternativa, è deducibile nel limite del 10% reddito complessivo dichiarato (art. 83 co. 2 del D.Lgs. n. 117/2017).

Per gli enti e le aziende, l’erogazione liberale è deducibile nel limite del 10% reddito complessivo dichiarato (art. 83 co. 2 del D.Lgs. n. 117/2017).

Si rammenta che è condizione di deducibilità o detraibilità delle donazioni l’erogazione delle stesse tramite banca, posta o altro sistema tracciabile previsto dalle norme.

Of course, you are advised to check the above with your tax advisor based on your legal nature, tax regime and tax situation.




telefono: 328 4136156 (Nicola Dainelli – presidente di T.H.E. – Toscana Hiking Experience ASD APS e responsabile del progetto “Never stop!”)


For transparency and as a sign of our gratitude, below is indicated who has contributed to the individual projects. Find the list of lenders, strictly in alphabetical order, without showing the amount paid. Those who have decided to support our “Never Stop!” Project have done so as much as they could and wanted: THANK YOU!



Contributions collected: €1,328.58

Expected and carried out expenditure: € 1.328,58

Thanks to:

- economic operators and associations

Lions Club Certaldo Boccaccio

- private citizens

Dainelli Nicola and Bigazzi Susanna


Joelette Adventure (FUNDRAISING CLOSED)

Contributions collected: € 4,825.11

Expected and carried out expenditure: € 4.825,11

Thanks to:

- economic operators and associations

Lions Club Tuscany



Contributions collected: € 3,911.99

Expected and effected expenditure: € 3,911.99

Thanks to:

- economic operators and associations

SenzaBarriere Association

With Leo nel Cuore ONLUS

Entity Cambiano SCpA

- private citizens

Angelini Claudia

Baragli Franco

Billeri Maria

Bisacci Sabrina

Bottari Giulia

Calattini Fabrizio and Dainelli Ilaria

Camparini Enrica

Cantini Luca and Innocenti Mirri Sonia

Caponi Martina

Alessio hats and Marilena cook

Cattaneo Matilde

Ceccanti Antonella

Cecconi Elena

Cianetti Sergio and Rosselli Rossella

Ciapetti Andrea and Mazzoli Marcella

Costanzone Salvatore and Ciofi Catia

Cutrini Marco and Elisa Puccioni

Dainelli Lorenzo

Dainelli Margherita

Dainelli Nicola and Bigazzi Susanna

Dainelli Romano and Bimbi Silvana

D'Amelio Gabriele

Of Francesca

Del Bino Andrea and Rofi Roberta

Diano Maria

Donati Maria Grazia

Dori Samantha

Elisha Ivana

Faithful Irene

Renzo Ferri

Florence Claudia

Galli Stefano

Massimo Garaffi and Adriana Fabbiani

Gervasio Alessandra

Giomi Fabrizio and Baragli Serena

Grossi Enrico

Guidotti Riccardo

Lammerding Petra Maria

Hare Silvia

Lorino Francesca

Lunardi Stefania

Marcella Maccelli

Maffei Francesco

Maggi Daniela

Malquori Lucia

Martin Marco

Matteoli Pierangelo and Baldini Roberta

Mazzara Lucia

Mazzuoli Antonella

Mazzuoli Patrizia

Morelli Silvia

Moscato Vito

Honest Luca

Marco bears

Padula Giuseppe

Paolinelli Lida

Pagni Alessio

Pantani Giovanni

Papini Claudia

Pieraccini Francesca

Pilu Paola

Porporini Stefano

Pucci Giovanni

Tamara Puccioni

Rossi Cristiano and Sara Gracci

Rutili Gabriele

Sadotti Anna

Santucci Linda

Sarperi Antonio

Sarti Livia

Scardigli Alessandro and Fiaschi Simona

Diego Scarselli

Silvia and Mugnai Paolo cleared up

Sica Claudio and Morone Erminia

Spinapolice Salvatore

Stefani David

Tafi Margherita

Tafi Massimiliano and Tempestini Simona

Tomesani (family)

Vaiani Simone

Old Rose

Violanti Paola

Zucconi Alessio and Burrini Ilaria

…. and the many who walked with us



Contributions collected: € 3,300.00

Expected and carried out expenditure: € 3.276,53

(the difference between what was collected and what was spent was used to purchase the Classical Joëlette)

Thanks to:

- economic operators and associations

Bikers Lions Club

Lions Club Siena

Veteran Car Club Lions



Contributions collected: € 2,000.00

Expected and carried out expenditure: € 2.000,00

Thanks to:

- economic operators and associations

Entity Cambiano SCpA

Rotary Club Valdelsa

Slow Travel Fest

- private citizens

Dainelli Romano and Bimbi Silvana

Dainelli Nicola and Bigazzi Susanna



Contributions collected: € 5,664.34

Expected and carried out expenditure: € 5,664.34

Thanks to:

- public entities

Municipality of Castelfiorentino 

Municipality of Gambassi Terme 

Municipality of Montaione 

- economic operators and associations

Association "SenzaBarriere"

Entity Cambiano SCpA

The Grande Prato and Chiosco ai Renai

- private citizens

Andreolo Daniela

Babboni Paola

Bagnai Alessandra

Barnini Mario

Baroncini David

Barreca Rosita

Sandra sticks

Benelli Barbara

Bertelli Monica

Bertozzi Ambra

Alessandro Bianchi

Bonfiglioli Federico and Martinelli Irene

Letizia Borghini

Brizzi Marina

Buti Massimo

Caciagli Daniele

Calattini Fabrizio and Dainelli Ilaria

Cammilli Paolo

Paolo Cardini

Carli Nico and Mori Grazia

Carzoli Elisa

Cioni Manuela

Ciulli Francesco and Cagnoni Daniela

Sabrina knives

I recommend Angela

Dainelli Lorenzo and Margherita

Dainelli Nicola and Bigazzi Susanna

Dainelli Romano and Bimbi Silvana

D'Onofrio Claudia and Pacciani Alessio

Dori Monica

Fabrizzi Germana

Falai Francesca

Falorni Sandra

Falorni Silvia

Daniele flasks

Franchini Roberta

Frison Daniele

Giustarini Laura

Righteous Alessandro

Grazzi Lara

Grazzi Simone

Lami Sonia

Monica Lazzeri

Lombardi Donatella

Lorino Alessandro

Lorino Francesca

Lupori Stefania and Pierucci Loretta

Maggi Daniela

Malquori Lucia

Sandra Manetti

Marcantoni Paolo

Marini Lorella

Masini Sabrina

Migliorini Monica

Ndue Ndoci

Nigrelli Daila and Genero Stefano

Nocentini Serena and Riccardo Mafucci

Padovani Marico

Pantalena Lisa

Paolicchi Simonetta

Papini Claudia

Papucci Paola

Pelosi Basilio

Perrone Alberto Maria

Pili Gabriella

Pistolesi Renzo and Armano Giancarla

Pistelli Sonia

Pratelli Paolo

Puccioni Marzia

Renieri Fabrizio

Ribechini Enrica

Ricotta Antonietta

Ricotta Laura

Rinaldi Massimo

Giuliano Scheggi

Sica Claudio and Morone Antonella

Simoni (family)

Spinelli Stefano

Storace Sabrina

Tafi Tania

Tinti Luca

Tofani Gabriele

Tricarico Vincenzo

Ulivieri Simona

Varvaro Jacopo

Roberta screws

Volterrani Stefano

Zonnedda Silvia

…. and the many who walked with us

Under the patronage of:





Tuscany region





C.Metropolitan area of Florence




Union of Municipalities of the District of Empolese Valdelsa






Municipality of Capraia and Limite






Municipality of Castelfiorentino






Municipality of Certaldo




Municipality of Gambassi Terme






Municipality of Montaione






Municipality of Montespertoli







Municipality of San Gimignano




European Association of the Vie Francigene - network of the Council of Europe




Tuscan Association of the Vie Francigene and the Paths





Ass. Via Romea Germanica




European Federation of Historical Cultural Tourist Routes



European Environmental Guides Association





Ass. Senza Barriere Onlus




UISP - Empolese Valdelsa Committee

The graphic design of the poster of "Never Stop!" it was developed free of charge by Marilia Taddei of Solari ADV in Castelfiorentino.

Video – Photo – Graphics per la campagna di crowdfunding del 2018 ideati e realizzati gratuitamente da Suyen Tommasi

Thank you!!!!!!!

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